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        Pure Progress





 Greetings & welcome to "Pure Progress Meditation!"


There's usually that one question that triumphs the mass majority of people who are looking to take the next leap of faith into their destiny. That question is,"how do I begin meditating?" Many of us struggle with even reaching the peak of enlightenment and that's just simply having knowledge or inner-standing of consciousness.

Presuming that there is way more to life than just the "humane" experience, we've now approached the time period of wanting to know more about

ourselves & what our true purpose in life is. Shadow work is the first step to gaining peace within yourself, so that then you can create your peaceful inner & outer environment.

Some of us have internal trauma that still needs to be resolved in order to get past an obstacle in their present lives. These traumatic experiences can hinder us from so much growth, mentally, spiritually, physically & emotionally. So together within this domain we can safely & freely learn about meditation techniques, breathing exercises, healing frequencies & plenty of more! We all have different forms of reaching enlightenment & this will be the perfect place to share knowledge & gain insights on different methods. Let us kindly push you towards pure progression!

Image by Edz Norton
Sound Waves
7.83 (Hz).
00:00 / 01:46

Schumann Resonance

The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Earth pulsates at rhythm of (7.83 Hz)

Many spiritual traditions believe that the Schumann Resonance plays a crucial role in human consciousness and spiritual evolution. It is seen as a fundamental frequency that attunes us to the rhythms of the Earth and facilitates a deeper connection to the divine.

Overall, research has shown evidence that people who are exposed to focused and controlled instances of the Schumann Resonance experience an overall increase in their general sense of well-being. Some have even reported experiencing a sort of spiritual awakening.


Our Features

Solfeggio Frequencies

What are they?

This ancient scale is part of a tone sequence of electro- magnetic frequencies called the "Original Solfeggio Scale" The Solfeggio frequencies align you with rhythms and tones that form the basis of the multi-verse. By exposing the mind and body to the Solfeggio frequencies, you can easily achieve a greater sense of balance and deep healing. 

These particular frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo in 1974, during a wonderful experience that some would describe as mystical. The 6 tone sequence were then manifested into tuning forks. These hertz are at which the forks vibrate to balance your cells.

How does it work for meditation?

Solfeggio frequencies is everything & every vibration has it's own frequency.

Narrowing it down to our bodies, we can now focus on individual organs or chakras within our vessel.

When meditating or just simply listening to these vibrations, you automatically begin a healing process. 

We are constantly amongst frequencies that we cannot see with our naked eye. Yet they still affect us. Impacting our mind & body subconsciously in a negative manner rather than positive. Now imagine if you could utilize the correct frequencies to heal yourself in ways that a doctor couldn't!


Why does it matter?

Being comfortable during meditation can increase your focus drastically.

In order to reach a certain form of concentration, you must create a space for peace. This applies to yourself & your environment. I say yourself because you'll be maintaining a still ambience during your meditation, so it's best to get physically & mentally comfortable. Here are 6 key points to prepare you, so that you gain high satisfaction out of each your sessions.






Healthy Consumption 

Weekly Notes


Peaceful internal



Peaceful external Environment 





            Have you ever really noticed how much we sit or slouch in a 24/hr span? If I get into details it could get concerning. Needless to say once you start stretching consistently, you'll never wanna go a day without it. Everyone has different body types and sizes, and this can affect how we position ourselves. In this case if you wanted to sit still for a period of time, it might be critical to stretch pre hand and loosen up those joints.

                   Here are some demonstrations to help you reach comfortability 

Blue Skies


"Prana" is a Sanskrit term that translates to"life force" or vital energy. It refers to the universal energy that flows in and around our bodies & believed to be the breath and the sustaining force of life. Allow this breathing exercise to separate your mind from your body. 


With your mouth closed and your jaw relaxed, inhale through your nose. 


As you inhale, allow your belly to expand.


Imagine the lower part of your lungs filling up first, then the rest of your lungs inflating.


Hold your prana & repeat this mantra. "My mind & body are separate"


 As you slowly exhale, imagine the air emptying from your lungs, and allow the belly to flatten.

With every breath of fresh air you take, you must take into consideration that all that "Prana" you are inviting into your vessel is replenishing all of your cells & organs. Making it possible for oxygen to reach into your brain, causing you to think clearly.

Water Purifier & Glass
Fruits and Vegetables

Hydration&Healthy Diets

Yellow Sparkly Background

Staying Hydrated

Did you know that up to 60% of the human adult body is water? The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.

Making sure all of your cells are replenished is key to keen focus. You want to supply your body's needs so it accommodates your concentration.

Healthy Eating

Fruit and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin C and potassium. They're an excellent source of dietary fibre, which can help to maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation and other digestion problems. A diet high in fibre can also reduce your risk of bowel cancer.​

Why it Matters?

Having healthy clean & safe water is always important. You should always want to know how clean your water is  & where it's sourced. You don't want your pineal gland clogged up with too much fluoride. That will ultimately determine how much focus you have for your meditation.

Why it Matters?

Having a healthy diet is imperative for your meditation because. You ultimately want to feel comfortable while sitting and concentrating for long periods of times. Not having intestinal issues 5 minutes into your self healing.  You also want little to no artificial chemicals within your vessel including deceased flesh of animals that haven't properly been taken care of or even nurtured. The saying we all know very well, "you are what you eat." Is an extremely true statement because in the end, everything you consume will decompose within your body. So why not fill into with healthy nutrients?

Almost Four

Time Management 

Having the time & reassurance to be able to maintain a strong concentration during meditation is important. You don't want to feel to rushed. This is a sacred time for you to get involved with yourself. The best times are early in the Am or even late at night.when your home is sound asleep and it's just you.  

Purple Stars

Internal & External environment 

  Meditation should always come from within. That is where you will go once you finally reach the peak of  enlightenment. It's best to get to know yourself as much as possible during these alone times.


        Having the confidence to face on all the challenges and traumatic experiences you've gone through is what makes your mediation more meaningful. You can't manifest anything positive into your life if you continue to run away from what troubles you.You'll have no time to focus on new goals in life.

The next most important factor is a peaceful environment. Having your own dedicated spot towards peace, is a beautiful feeling. Indulge and embrace what brings you back to your peaceful environment.

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